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Christmas becomes ideal time for two adorable boys with big cocks to make gay teen love on the couch

Duration: 2min 12sec Views: 6 431 Submitted: 6 years ago Submitted by:
Description: Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at the door - and what could be more excellent at this magical time of year than spending a little quality time with the person u love? Alternatively, u can tune into this fabulous bed-based escapade featuring 2 of STAXUS's much loved models, Justin Conway and Timmy Taylor, and knock out a load or 2 in their unforgettable company. 'coz let's face it, this is one astounding coupling u won't crave to miss. Cute golden-haired-guy Conway is as nice-looking as they come (as always), and clearly can't expect to feast on his fella's thick, powerful wang - nibbling and playing with Taylor's foreskin like any nice wench should. In fairness the compliment is returned, but Taylor's attention is always firmly set on getting that attractive cock of his unfathomable inside Conway's pert little booty - an objective that guy achieves with ease (u won't be surprised to learn). Truly, in advance of u know it Conway's wazoo-gap is sliding up and down Taylor's shaft like it was born for the task, signaling the starting of a spunktastic fuckathon that sees the juvenile bitch taken in each position known to dude. Little wonder the one and the other boys eventually spew like Fresh Year fireworks!
Channel: Staxus